Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ultherapy - The Latest Cosmetic Procedure in Non-Surgical and Non-Invasive Skin Tightening

Ultherapy, the hottest new name in cosmetic beauty. It is a new type of non-surgical, non-invasive procedure for the face that uses ultrasound and the body's own natural healing process to lift, tone, and tighten loose skin.

The FDA-cleared device used in the procedure utilizes the safe, time-tested energy of ultrasound to stimulate the deep structural support layers of the skin-including those typically addressed in a surgical facelift-without disturbing the surface of the skin.

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a non-surgical face treatment that uses ultrasound to actually lift and tone loose or sagging skin without any downtime.

What is unique about this procedure?

Ultherapy is the only non-invasive treatment that can specifically target the deep foundation below the skin that is addressed in cosmetic surgery without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin. It is also the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to actually see the layers of tissue we target during treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most effective. While lasers typically address issues in the superficial layers of the skin (e.g. fine lines, wrinkles, pigment changes), Ultherapy addresses the deep skin layer and the foundational layer addressed in cosmetic surgery that lift and lend support to the skin. Therefore, the two technologies are quite complementary!l

What kind of technology does Ultherapy use?

Ultherapy uses tried-and-true ultrasound technology, which has received FDA clearance for use in this new type of medical procedure.

Is Ultherapy surgery?

No. Unlike a face lift, Ultherapy is a non-invasive procedure that addresses the skin and support layers below it, but doesn't entail cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin.

Can Ultherapy replace a face lift?

Ultherapy is an "uplift" not a "face lift." While it is not a replacement for surgery, it is a viable option for those not ready for a face lift or those looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.

Is Ultherapy safe?

The procedure has been cleared by the FDA after demonstrating safety in clinical studies, and tens of thousands of treatments have been performed safely worldwide. In addition, ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years.

Who is a good candidate for Ultherapy?

A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with skin that has "relaxed" to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. A lowered eyebrow line or sagging skin on the eyelids, for instance, is often the first sign of "maturing" skin. Typically, those in their thirties and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are candidates.

While Ultherapy is not a replacement for a surgical face lift, there are many people who want some lifting but are not ready for surgery, either mentally, financially or logistically. There are also younger people who want to "stay ahead of the game" as well as those looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.

How long does the ultrasound treatment take?

A full face treatment takes 45-60 minutes, and a partial face or brow lift treatment can take around 30 minutes-neither with any downtime.

What problem areas does Ultherapy target? What kind of results do you get?

Ultherapy addresses mild to moderate loose or sagging skin. Specifically, by reconditioning and renewing the skin from within, Ultherapy will lift the brow, which in turn reduces excess skin on the lids, opens up the eyes, and gives a more refreshed look overall.

How long until I see results?

Patients may enjoy some initial effect but the ultimate lifting and toning will take place over 2-3 months, as tired collagen is replaced with new, more elastic collagen. As this collagen-building process continues, further improvements can appear up to 6 months following a procedure.

How long do results last?

Patients treated with Ultherapy still have fresh young collagen after a year's time following the procedure, but skin continues to age. Future touch-up treatments can help keep pace with the aging process, which varies by individual.

Will I need more than one treatment?

The majority of patients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one treatment (depending on how much laxity they have and their body's own biological response to the ultrasound and collagen-building process).

Is there any downtime?

Ultherapy is an entirely non-invasive procedure and as such, there is no downtime. You are able to return to your normal activities right away, and there are no special measures you need to take.

Will I feel the ultrasound during the treatment?

Yes. What you are feeling during the treatment is actually tiny amounts of focused ultrasound energy being deposited below the surface of the skin.

What does it feel like?

Patients have noted there can be some discomfort while the ultrasound energy is being delivered, but it is temporary and a positive signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

Is Ultherapy painful?

Comfort thresholds vary from patient to patient, but there can be some discomfort while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. This is temporary and a positive signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

Your practitioner will consult with you prior to your skin treatment to make your experience as pleasant as possible. Patients typically leave comfortable and excited about the benefits to come!

Are there any side effects?

There may be slight redness for up to an hour or so following the treatment, and a small percentage of patients may have slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature. There is always the possibility for other less common post-procedural effects, which your practitioner will review with you.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Natural Breast Enlargement VS Breast Augmentation Surgery

Daily thousands of women are searching for the solution to their breast woes. If you are like many women these days, you know how important your image is. Even if other people think you look great, the real person that matters is you. Whenever you feel great about yourself, it is more valuable than a hundred people thinking you look great. That's why when other people tell you that you don't have to enhance your breasts, it really is none of their business.

If you are not sure if you want to go the route of natural breast enlargement or breast augmentation surgery, this article is going to look at some of the pros and cons of each of these options.

Pros of Natural Breast Enlargement

    Ability to Increase Breast Size Without Pain
    Slow Results so No One Notices Abnormal Augmentation Speed
    No Interference With Future Breastfeeding Desire

Pros of Breast Augmentation Surgery

    Overnight Change for Instantly Awesome Breasts
    Breasts You Can Determine How You Want Them Shaped
    Very Perky Breasts

Cons of Natural Breast Augmentation

    Very Slow Results
    No Way to Know How Large Your Results Will Be

Cons of Breast Augmentation Surgery

    Pain from Undergoing Surgical Procedure
    Possible Complications During Surgery
    High Price
    Possible Interference With Future Breastfeeding

As you can see, there are pros and cons for both natural breast enlargement products as well as breast augmentation surgery. Since there are pros and cons for both, how do you know which one of the options to choose? The answer is that there is no correct answer. What you have to understand is that it is a personal choice. You need to understand which of the methods is right for you.

If you are anything like me, you don't like to experience pain, be near needles or have knives cutting on your body. I didn't even have my kids in a hospital so the natural breast enlargement products were a no-brainer for me. On the other hand my friend Rabecca did not care about knives and would do anything to get the look that she wanted. Since that is true she has had at least three breast augmentation surgeries.

Why would someone have to have three breast augmentation surgeries? One was because she couldn't stretch her skin enough the first time so she had to have another one. The next time was because one of her implants were leaking and the other time was because her implant discounted somehow. As I said before, it is just not my cup of tea, but some people are good with it.

Once you weigh the pros and cons and find out which method works best for you, go for it. You can get the breasts that you want without a little bit of effort.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Right Breast Augmentation Choices

Choosing to have a breast augmentation is common. You want a larger cup size or you want something that is missing, just like many others in this world. You should remember, of course, that not all procedures are going to be the same. Sometimes, the size and filler do not meet your expectations. This is why you have to do your research and know more about what is out there before making a final decision. This will help you to find the best option and doctor for your body and personal desires. You will be able to trust that the results are what you had wanted, nothing less. You will be happier in the end and you will have that boost in confidence and self-esteem that comes with a figure that you like having.

The first thing that you are going to have to think about is size. Before you even go to a surgeon, you are probably going to have an idea of the size that you want, at least a visual if not an actual cup. When looking at what is out there, you should take into consideration that sometimes sizes are bigger or smaller than you may think. Talk to a surgeon and get a look at the sizes that interest you before making a final decision. This is something that you are going to have to do, of course, but it is incredibly important to invest the time and energy into making sure that you do it right. Roll the implants around in your hands and get a feel for the size. This will help you to figure out if it is what you want or if it is not right for you.

You cannot forget material. Breast augmentation does not use just one option with different sizes, and you need to realize what is out there. These can differ in sizing, feel, and more. Their differences will become more apparent after the surgery, so you have to make sure that you figure out which one you like beforehand. Squeeze the implants and, again, roll them around in your hands. Compare how they feel and the type of give that you are getting with them. You should also see about sizes. If neither have the exact size that you like, you can choose one that is not prefilled, but filled during the surgery. This will give you the chance to find something that is exactly what you had wanted, or as close to it.

If you put the effort into this, you can be happy with what you get. Breast augmentation can work for you and provide incredible results, but only when the right choices are made. Sometimes, the material and sizing will not match your desires. That is to be expected when there are many options available. To avoid making a mistake or being stuck with something that you do not like, take the time and see which one truly matches your desires.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Plastic Surgery for Young Individuals

Many parents out there would never allow their young teenagers to go through plastic surgery. They do have this notion that cosmetic surgery is only for adults who have valid and agreeable reasons to enhance some of their undesirable physical attributes. For many people, teen life is a stage where kids should learn to accept who they are.

Another reason why many parents don't agree to the idea of their kids going through plastic surgery is the fact that such procedure can be very risky. As a matter of fact, there are people who consider cosmetic surgery as a waste of money. But then according to experts, cosmetic surgery procedures can also be very beneficial even to young individuals. You may probably feel terrified of the idea but the truth is, plastic surgery can be advantageous.

Many young girls experience physical discomforts due to abnormally large breasts. As a matter of fact, this condition can even cause serious back problems and is something you surely don't want to happen to your own daughter. With disproportionate breasts, your children may have difficulty finding the right shirt that would fit them. More often than not, they would be forced to buy clothes from the adult section. Apparently, this doesn't sound agreeable to our children especially because their generation should be wearing trendsetting wardrobe and not plus size clothing.

For parents, this may not sound like a serious problem, but for teenagers this can cause discomfort. You should know that teenagers should be enjoying their lives and that includes wearing clothes that reflect their personality. But how can they possibly do that if they feel like they don't belong? Truth is, being forced to wear plus size clothes can largely impact their self-esteem.

This is where cosmetic surgery comes into play. Plastic surgery can help correct undesirable physical features. During the process, excess tissues will be removed from the breasts in order to correct its size. As having abnormally large breasts can affect young girls psychologically, cosmetic surgery can actually help reduce incidents of bullying.

For most part of it, young girls with abnormally large breasts experience being teased and bullied at school. This can be a very traumatic experience for them. As parents, it is your responsibility to protect your children from these forms of humiliation. Thus, cosmetic surgery clearly shows that it is not only beneficial to adults but also to young individuals who may need to correct unwanted physical attributes.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common procedure that many people choose to have done for various reasons. This helps you to have the look that you want with only some time and money invested. Compared to exercises that promise lifts but no real size increase, what you can get from this is truly astounding. It is relatively safe, having some common risks that you find with all surgeries, and can give you a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem that few other methods can match. This will help you to enjoy yourself more than you did and to appreciate your own body more. You can have that more feminine appearance and you can love the way that you look.

When looking into the benefits of this procedure, it is hard to overlook the obvious increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. The reason that you turn to something like this is the desire to change yourself. You do not like this specific part of your body, you may have insecurity issues because of your cup size or you may simply be unhappy, and you want to change it. This gives you the opportunity to do so with the assistance of a professional. You will be able to see the improvement in your body that you want, giving you the more full and feminine figure that you desire. This will give you the confidence and motivational boost that you had wanted because you are now happier with the way that you look.

To get similar results, many people try the various methods that promise size increases. This can be anything from exercises to products and anything else that someone can market. The truth behind these, however, is that they do not always work and that they do not always provide long-term or highly effective results. Breast augmentation gives you that increase that you want, it can stay with you for a long time, and it is not something that is going to cause many worries in general. It is a commonly performed procedure that does give you the opportunity to look more like how you think you should.

If, at any time, you would like these removed, you can do so. While many people do have implants in for a long time, there are also a large number of individuals who tire of them or need them removed for some reason. If you come across this situation, or want a different size than the one that you chose, you have the opportunity to remove or replace them. You simply need to speak to your surgeon and talk about what your options are. People do have implants removed so it is something that you can do.

Breast augmentation does not come with many risks. While it does have the same surgical risks as any other, it is still something that is commonly performed and can help you to feel better about your appearance. The surgeons out there are highly capable and can help you to have the results that you want.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Enhancements With Breast Implants

Breast implants give you a size improvement that is not matched by anything else. You will get to increase cup size to what you would like, and do so with professionals handling the procedure. This is something that many can have and its benefits are truly great. You will be able to have the more feminine figure that you had wanted, fix issues like unevenness, and replace what is missing. This is how you achieve the look that you want. As long as you are relatively healthy, which should be addressed by your surgeon, and are doing this for you, you can have that appearance that you crave.

The biggest benefit is that they will be bigger. This is the most common reason to go for breast implants, and why many people continue to get them every day. Many women do feel that their cup size is lacking, which is why they want this type of procedure done. This can help you to increase the size a small amount, maybe one cup up, or even several sizes above where you are now. You can make a dramatic difference more easily thanks to this type of surgery. If you have lived with A or B cups your entire matured life and would like to make the change that your body never did, this is your opportunity to do it.

There are also times when breast implants are there to fix or replace a previous issue. When you have unevenness or went through a mastectomy, or have any other reason to need this type of surgery other than the desire for a size increase, you can rely on it to get what you need. This can help you to have even, realistic breasts that are a size that you like. This is possible for every person, as long as you are healthy and doing it for yourself, so it is going to be possible to take advantage of the possibilities. This can help you not only have the more feminine figure that you want, but also have or replace something that you feel is missing. It is one of the ways to feel better about yourself when you feel that there is something lacking.

Several options are available to you. You can choose the filling from what is available as well as the size. This will help to increase the chances of you being satisfied with the surgery. You will be able to feel the implants that are available and learn more about them. This will make it possible for you to make an informed decision, making it possible for you to find something that you truly like. This will give you a better outlook on yourself and make this surgery more worth it to you.

A surgeon can speak to you about everything that you will likely face. This will help you answer questions and feel more secure about the procedure as a whole, as well as keep you relaxed.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Feminine And The Power Of Myth

The feminine element lies dormant in us all, eager to be retrieved from the archives of the world of imagery and myth. Basically, the feminine aspect encompasses the mystical, nurturing, healing aspect engendered through unconditional love and intuition. It is this aspect of our nature, which connects us to spiritual truths and allows us to choose wisely in any given moment. It is our protection, and we have all but had it, dare I say, deliberately educated out of us in a pre-meditated dumbing-down of mankind.

Historically, mankind has developed through various stages of matriarchal and patriarchal societal trends. The pendulum has swung through macro and micro cycles where one gender has played a particular role in cultural dominance and responsibility. These trends are observed through varying developmental stages of our evolution both personal and global as we wander through life and this apparent pattern. Myth portrays archetypal patterns of our multi-dimensional psyche. They are raw symbols of our essentially androgynous human nature.

Although societal trends may change with time and fashion, the fundamental pattern is still contained within the seed of our conception. Today, at last, there is a trend emerging amongst astrologers, psychologists and society in general to resurrect the ancient Pagan gods and the art of Story-telling, which has been buried beneath centuries of patriarchal dominance.

Myth and the universal unifying principles - they contain from the loom on which the fabric of a family, tribe, and nation is woven. Myths and stories have been sung and told since time before time. They form the basic design of our psyche from one generation to the next and from culture to culture with similar trends and varying forms. Mythology is a language invented to speak on the instinctual plane where answers are not known, but felt with a great impact. We cannot effectively describe a mythological tale in precise terms for in so doing we strip it of its loving qualities. It dies in the grasping act of thoughtful consideration.

These symbols trigger images in our mind, which give us an opportunity to understand and gauge our progress along our individual path. Whether we believe these images to be past life memories or emerging from some inherited genetic code is irrelevant. The art of visualization and imagination is an imperative aspect of the healing process. These archetypal codes unlock pathways to deeper symbolic realms or levels of consciousness, which we all share. They allow us to access worlds inhabited by the elemental spirits and devas of Nature; the angels and god-forms of other dimensions, which exist because we believe them to. These patterns are often strong enough to have universal archetypal meanings. Through them, we learn to recognize and acquaint ourselves with our higher-selves. We momentarily step outside of time and space and view our reality from a different perspective enabling self-healing and illumination.

Women of our times have surfaced from a long underground period of suppression and servitude to a social system that imagined they were of secondary importance. The challenges and opportunities for women these days are enormous. The radical political and social changes world-wide, however, have brought about a disintegration of familiar traditional roles for woman. These days, many women have reached the maturity of their post child-bearing years in good health and with the freedom and resources to explore their true nature and to influence the social and political structure around them.

We are all taught to identify with male methods of thoughtful, reasonable and linear concepts. Instead there is so much more to us, buried in the unstoppable power of illogical co-existence of opposing forces. The Feminine is the faceless presence met in ordinary, everyday affairs and in the unbroken paths of the unknown. Woman's responses to the outer world are influenced and to a great extent generated by her hormonal changes within. She is like a breath of fresh air in the fixed patriarchal orientation of life, for she responds with renewed freshness to each event as it is presented to her.

The beauty of the feminine is her potential for many dimensions, embracing in her way of being the nuances of many archetypes at once and perhaps constantly confusing those in the world of a more rational propensity. Any and all archetypes are present within each of us and can be "up" at any stage of growth. Cycles within cycles. This is possible without being in conflict with the multi-dimensionality of her psyche, for each trait is exposed in different moments. It is in this fundamental process that woman gives herself a chance again to be born into the light as a child of moonlight.

Once we honored the tantric union of man and woman, Adam and Eve, Isis and Osiris, Jesus and Mary, Merlin and Morgan; all archetypal reminders of the male and female, which lies within us all. We existed at that time with the perception of the beauty and reality of the earth directly, by existing in the immediate moment in time, in an utterly discontinuous present, ever now. When we existed in the eternal, the timeless consciousness of earth itself was immediately present in our perception.

Every one of us has a birthright to find out who s/he is. To strip culturally imposed roles and to allow us to unveil our own mystery. It is therefore imperative that the archetypes represented in myth should not be adopted as yet another rule to follow. Each archetype limits, points the finger to the core of our own unique nature, which is waiting to sing the chorus of its own song and to freely express the love that we are.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be Beautiful For Your Wedding

Newly engaged? Have you started planning your wedding? Too nervous? You should start planning for the big day soon. Have you started your beauty preparations yet?

There are a number of steps to take. Decide how you want your hair and makeup to look. You may want your bridesmaids' styles all the same. You can hire a beauty consultant or schedule salon appointments for everyone yourself. Make your appointments in advance, especially if you are using a small hair salon, since booking may be limited.

In addition to hair styling, you may want to get your nails manicured and your makeup professionally done. You can have your makeup applied right after your hair is styled. Your manicure can be scheduled the week of the wedding and touch ups can be done on the wedding day as needed.

To make sure everything goes as planned, make some emergency preparations for your wedding day. The unexpected may include a torn dress, a makeup smudge or stain, lots of perspiration, or a hairstyle that goes limp. You should have an emergency beauty bag on hand during your wedding, the maid of honor can come up with such a bag, nonetheless, make sure one is on hand.

Make sure your emergency beauty bag includes makeup, nail color, nail glue, deodorant, hand lotion, hairspray, hairbrush, hair pins, sewing kit, safety pins, crazy glue, stain remover stick, Tums, mints, hair iron, camera, scissors, rubber bands, shoe polish, band aids, tampons/pads, and anything else you can think of. Having an emergency beauty bag will make things run smoother and reduce stress. Hopefully you won't need these things, just be prepared.

There are many plans and arrangements to make. Knowing you're going to be beautiful will make the other arrangements come easier. Don't forget the obvious things such as: making a guest list, finding a place for your reception, hiring a band or disc jockey (DJ) for entertainment, catering or prepping food and drink (will there be an open bar?), photography, and a beautifully over the top magnificently huge cake.

You can hire a wedding planner, or buy a wedding planning guide that will provide a detailed checklist for your wedding plans (this will help in preparing your guest list). The main idea, is to enjoy yourself and try to keep stress levels low. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Wedding tips.
Beauty preparation is an important part of planning a wedding. You want to look your best, right?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Through the Garden Gate With the Ambassador of Love

When the florists fell upon the rose - men who could never have enough - they strove for size and got it, a fine specimen of a florist's rose being about as big as a moderate Savoy cabbage. They tried for strong scent and got it till a florist's rose has not unseldom a suspicion of the scent of the aforesaid cabbage - not at its best. They tried for strong colour and got it, strong and bad - like a conqueror.

But all this while they missed the very essence of the rose's being; they thought there was nothing in it but redundance and luxury; they exaggerated these into coarseness, while they threw away the exquisite subtlety of form, delicacy of texture and sweetness of colour. Indeed, the worst of this is that these sham roses are driving the real ones out of existence. If we do not look to it, our descendents will know nothing of the cabbage rose, the lovliest in form of all.

Excerpt from Hopes and Fears for Art, Delivered by William Morris to the London Institution on March 10, 1880.

The powerful aura of romance surrounding the rose eclipses all other words and ideas sitting anywhere near it. Take the word cabbage for instance. Place it before "rose" and romance deepens a hundredfold. Coleslaw and sauerkraut cease to exist.

The result of a chance meeting between an Autumn Damask and an Alba rose somewhere in the sixteenth century, the cabbage rose (Rosa Centifolia) has always been a favorite still-life subject of painters. The Victorians were mad for it, calling it the Ambassador of Love, and used it liberally not only in the garden, but on wallpaper, curtains, china and tapestries.

And today? Well, one simply couldn't pull off a cottage or shabby chic style without it.

You might expect the cabbage rose, a true heirloom in a family of plants known for their fussiness and need for attention, to be a foolhardy choice for today's busy woman. Not so! They need less tending than their modern hybrid sisters, preferring less fertilizing, spraying and pruning.

The truth is you needn't even be a gardener to grow a cabbage rose. You need only be a hopeless romantic. Cabbage roses possess an inherent beauty of form with their long arching canes and large muted pink flower heads that bow to greet the passer-by. Their fragrance, more heady than you might imagine, begs you to step closer and to stay a moment longer.

Perhaps the ultimate antique, cabbage roses have always been best propagated by cuttings. It's a distinct possibility your own cabbage rose descended from one gazed upon by a Chinese emperor, Monet or the Empress Josephine. Its ancestor might just have been the carefully tended treasure of a pioneer woman as she headed west or the flower a Civil War era woman clutched to her breast as she watched her husband ride away.

Blooming long and heavily once each year, their bloom will help mark the days of your summer - the days when you, like so many others before you, have no choice but to... dare I say it?

... No choice but to stop and smell the roses.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Benefits of Wearing a Mid Heel Shoe

Are you wearing fashion shoes that constantly make you feel like you are stumbling around while walking? If so, you probably aren't looking very stylish while doing so. It is time for you to find a fashion shoe that suits your foot and is comfortable, such as a stylish mid heel shoe.

Your choice of foot wear should reflect your personality but be comfortable and fashionable at the same time. After all, by wearing really high heeled shoes you might be sacrificing posture which in turn can create back problems and other health issues. Do you really want to sacrifice health for the sake of being in vogue? The steep angle at which the ultra-high heels force women to walk causes the knee to be thrust forward and walking can be very awkward and unattractive. Wearing heels that are too tall may be causing you to be ridiculed behind your back rather than being admired.

Be honest, you seldom see a woman wearing very tall high heel shoes walking comfortably. A nice mid heel fashionable shoe will work wonders for most women by allowing for better posture, a greater ease of walking and yet add to the look of greater height that many shorter ladies are trying to achieve. Shorter ladies especially can look disproportionate if wearing tall fashion shoes that add to the appearance of clumsiness while walking. If you are of short stature, consider a low heel. This will allow you the additional height you are looking for as well as better posturing. It is more comfortable for walking and is much more attractive than trying to clumsily navigate in footwear that is too tall.

There is a wide selection of ladies fashion shoes available in online shoe stores. You can check out up to date fashionable selections where you can make your online purchase of shoes and accessories. From the comfort of your home, you can view, shop and make your selection and have it delivered directly to your home. You don't want to look like a victim to the world of fashion. You want to be chic and trending. Thus the mid heel shoe can help you to achieve that look as well as being comfortable wearing those shoes. You will be making a fashion statement that people will notice.

Be sure to choose a pair of fashion shoes that will help you to walk comfortably and in a way that people will admire. Then you will appreciate the comfort and ease that fashion shoes will bring to you.

Better Fitting Footwear is your online shoe shopping site. Making it easier more convenient and faster to purchase your best friend, we all know women can't get enough shoes, it's her best friend forever.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Valentines Day and What People Buy

Most popular valentines gifts

Valentines day is a day for lovers across the globe. Unlike Mothers Day, Valentines Day is celebrated on the same day in every country, each year. 14th February is the day millions is spent on telling how much you love your partner!

How it all began...

Also known as the Feast of Saint Valentine and is observed on 14th February each year. This day started as a celebration of a Christian saint named Valentinus. History has it that he was imprisoned for marrying soldiers who were forbidden from getting married and also for ministering to Christians. However, during his time in prison he apparently healed his jailers daughter and before his execution he wrote a letter to his jailers daughter as "a farewell from your valentine"

Problems around the world... Love is NOT all around!

Its not all love and romance! In Saudi Arabia for example in 2002 and 2011 their religious police banned the sale of Valentines Day cards and gifts. Shopkeepers were basically told to remove any red items! The reason for this was it was considered a Christian holiday. This created a black market for cards and gifts!

In Iran Valentines Day is seen in a poor light as many say it is opposed to Islamic culture.

In Pakistan The Jamaat-e-Islami tried to ban Valentines Day, although it is a widely celebrated day across this country.

Most popular gifts:

According to recent research the most popular Valentines gifts are:

1. Jewelry - The most popular is jewelry on our list. Not surprising when you think the number of people getting engaged on this day. However, it is not just engagement rings, which are popular. Also other jewelry such as pearls are popular jewelry to give on Valentines Day.

2. Chocolate - How many times have you seen chocolate hearts and teddy bears? Chocolate is a very close second to jewelry. Many see chocolate as an aphrodisiac and so goes hand in hand on Valentines Day.

3. Evening out - Not a gift in tangible terms but is still third on our list. We assume that people spending money on an evening out will do this as opposed to buying other gifts, but not including a Valentines Day card.

4. Clothing - We assume this will include underwear, which tends to be a popular gift from men to women - especially younger lovers!

5. Gift Cards - A bit of a random surprise. However, gift cards are fifth on our list and are clearly popular. Gift cards are often safe purchases, as people can select what to buy, whether it is jewelry, clothes or something totally different.

The top five list was from US who conducted a pole to find out the most popular valentines gifts.

What did I buy?

I bought my wife a set of pearl earring last valentines day... She loves pearls and I am not very good at buying jewelry so I thought it would be a safe option. It is amazing, as I did not know how many colours of pearls there are available, although my wife assures me I made the right choice on colour, which is always good!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Anti Wrinkle Creams, What To Choose And Why

Humankind has always embarked upon improving the existing living conditions. Be it survival, search for food and shelter or even the quest for the riches that world has to offer, we have always been trying to understand and find solutions for the obstacles posed by nature. And this tendency did not change much, when it comes to the subject of beauty. Humans are blessed with one of the most interesting and graceful physical appearances on earth and the preservation of it as is has been somewhat of a daunting and ever continuing pursuit of ours.

Aging is a natural process, the logical way that things are designed according to evolution and other designs of nature. Every living organism is prone to aging and the resultant processes as are humans. While aging brings upon the person a certain kind of wisdom and contentment through experience that is only gained by living through various stages of life it also brings with it - the dreaded wrinkles. While natural aging process and resultant wrinkles and other skin changes are inevitable, our current living conditions and lifestyle have accelerated these processes, necessitating the need for preventive measures to be taken before the problem hits such as the use of Anti wrinkle creams.

Aging of skin has taken up a pace of its own. As recent studies have been indicating, skin mishaps such as dark circles and wrinkles around eyes, hyper pigmentation and blemishes such as age spots and other markings are a direct result of various stress factors in our immediate living environment. The reasons range from exposure to the plethora of pollutants in our modern day world and reduced protection from the UV rays in the sun and extended exposure as such, to the sun, not to mention mental stress and habits such as smoking.

Wrinkles appear in the skin due to the fact that after a certain age, we do not produce enough amounts of collagen, which is the protein that attributes elasticity to our skin. The variations in collagen production and changes in moisture retention capacities of the skin (moisture is a very important factor in retaining both temporary and long term suppleness and beauty of skin) and other damaging effects on skin are starting very early now, as early as mid to late twenties. The reasons range from birth control medication, hormones and even genetics. How do we prevent these unwanted blemishes on our skin and keep it healthy and young looking longer?

Studies are showing that anti wrinkle creams are rather effective in preserving the suppleness of skin, preventing the formation of new wrinkles, while smoothing down the old ones. However, the anti wrinkle creams that are all natural and preservative free are obviously a better bet, since chemical based anti wrinkle creams might offer great temporary solutions, but what can they do in the long term, not to mention various possible side effects? Hence while choosing an aging treatment it is good to go for natural, preservative free options. In doing so, you can protect your skin without worrying about future side effects, not to mention preventing any new problems that might be caused by the chemical aging treatment itself!

Ageless Derma was inspired by nature. Its products contain many botanical ingredients, enhanced by the knowledge and innovation of its expert researchers. At the heart of this anti aging range are high concentration stem cells, peptides and antioxidants that have been drawn from nature to provide flawless skin without resorting to invasive or painful delivery techniques.

Ageless Derma mineral makeup is free from all oils and parabens, this soft makeup provides natural protection to skin, keeping it looking and feeling great, day or night. It contains Vitamin A, E and green tea extract.

Ageless Derma Stem Cell and Peptide Anti Wrinkle Cream is the company's premier product, using unique technologies and revolutionize anti aging skin care, Ageless Derma Stem Cell and Peptide Anti Wrinkle Cream eliminates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves the firmness and elasticity of skin, removes crow's feet and re-energizes skin for a smoother, firmer and younger look.

Ageless Derma Skin brightening Cream scientifically formulated to lighten discolorations in the skin, such as freckles, age and sun spots, It contains effective ingredients in high concentration such as Alpha arbutin, Niacinamide, BioWhite, Belides, Liposome and licorice.

Ageless Derma Eye Cream is a powerful new anti aging treatment that helps to prevent and reverse the signs of aging. Its unique formula combines Retinol, the purest form of Vitamin A, with Vitamins C, E and K to soften the appearance of dark circles, smooth fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin texture around the delicate eye area.

As natural Anti wrinkle creams contain sensitive ingredients that can be damaged by contact with air and sunlight, Ageless Derma has developed an airless pump to package its products. This process ensures that all of these innovative ingredients remain potent and active, without resorting to the use of harmful preservatives found in other anti aging ranges.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

4 Useful Tips On Buying Lingerie Products

There are a lot of lingerie products in demand today. Given the need to look good and feel good among women, it is important to find the right lingerie that will not only compliment their personality but also boost their confidence along the way. So what are the considerations that you need to first look into in order to find the right deal for your lingerie?

1. Know your body type

Your choices will typically depend on the type of frame that you have. If you do not have the thin frame, why do you even consider small undergarments? Fortunately for the voluptuous type, there are a lot of options that are meant towards your body. There is a trend these days where heavier women also have choices when it comes to their undergarment options. It is crucial that whenever you buy an underwear that you know your options well. You first need to know which one fits you or which one doesn't. Are you a plus size woman or thin framed?

2. Look into the catalogue

You want to know which color, fabric and design would fit you. It would also be crucial to look into your personality whenever choosing the right. Are you comfortable with your own skin or do you prefer to be conservative with your underwear? These things will make you feel comfortable and have that confidence you want when wearing sexy underwear. Fortunately, the stores have a catalogue where you can make the right decision.

3. Compare the price

Different retailers and sellers of underwear online will have a different take on things they sell. You need to make sure that you get the best bang for your buck whenever buying lingerie products. You want also to know if there is a discount to what they are offering. Aside from discounts, additional offers like free shipping can also play as a major consideration since this can ultimately save you some cash.

Considering the growing industry of sexy lingerie products, there are more stores both online and offline offering sexy underwear products. You need to have two to three choices of stores in order to get the right price for your sexy undergarment. You want to know exactly which retail store is offering the cheapest for the same type of lingerie while considering the shipping cost and the discounts.

4. Read the reviews

For anyone purchasing a product online or offline, you need to know whatever it is that the other people are saying. Some lingerie products will cost around $100. You need to know if it is comfortable and if it is actually good for your day to day use. This way, you get the value of what you paid for.You need to make sure that these types of purchases are actually worth it. You need to know if most of the past customers have a good or a bad experience. When most reviews are bad, you may want to think twice when purchasing such items. You may also look into forums if you want the most honest opinion on lingerie products.

There is a strong demand for different types of underwear. Not only will it provide support but it will also provide a boost in the way a woman will carry herself. Nowadays, wearing a lingerie is not only limited in the four corners of your bedroom. In fact, it can be worn to the workplace or as your everyday clothing. For these reasons, it is important to get the best products meant for you.

Monday, February 11, 2013

What Is The Best Virgin Remy Hair Extensions To Buy Brazilian, Cambodian, Eurasian or Indian?

Well it mainly depends on the wearer and your preference. I am going to individually describe each texture and qualities. However, no matter what the origin, the best Virgin Remy is 100% human hair donated and collected from a single donor. It is normally donated from female hair donors for religious or personal reasons. When the hair comes from a single donor, it is called single drawn, or double drawn when it comes from 2 donors. Single Drawn is considered to be the best hair for weaving hairstyles, because all of the hair cuticles are aligned and face the same direction. The position of the cuticles are important. If the cuticles are not aligned then it may cause significant shedding, tangling, and matting. Also shedding can come from poor craftsmanship of hair wefts.

Although there are many fabulous Virgin Remy origins offered such as Brazilian, Burmese, Cambodian, Eurasian, Indian, Malaysian, Peruvian, Russian, and so forth, most of these hair types are NOT imported from the country of origin. The origin of the hair is more so dependent on the texture of the hair, and how it reacts to different styling. It is safe to say that your Malaysian or Peruvian hair may not be from the country of origin, but the hair has similar qualities to the people of that nationality. Although the hair may not be from the country of origin, this does NOT make it fake. Human hair is traded and sold worldwide, so it can come from many locations around the globe.

Brazilian is one of the most popular and versatile textures of today. The texture is soft and medium coarse, and it blends well with all types of hair ethnicities from African American to Caucasian. The color varies from light brown, dark brown, and even natural to dark colored black. The most popular Brazilian texture has been body wave, which can be styled bone straight, or just wet to wear a wavy/curly look.

Cambodian & Mongolian is similar to one another as the textures are naturally straight. The hair does not naturally come in curly or wavy textures. This makes the hair best for wearing straight styles. It does not have a natural wave or curl pattern when wet.

Eurasian is a mixture of natural wave and curly exotic textures. It is the best of the curly and wavy combination textures. It also holds its pattern, even after straightening.

Indian is also a widely known and most versatile hair origin. It has low luster and shine, and it varies from loose wavy, body wave, curly, and straight textures. Indian Hair curls and straightens very easily.

Malaysian is similar to Indian hair, but it is softer and silkier than Virgin Indian hair. It also has medium to high luster and shine, and can appear too shiny at first. However, once the hair is washed a few times, the initial shine wears off, and it carries a medium shine that resembles very healthy hair. It mainly comes in natural straight, wavy, and curly textures.

Peruvian is slightly coarse hair and tends to be thicker than Indian Hair and Brazilian Hair. It blends increasingly well with relaxed hair textures. It comes in a variety of textures from natural straight, wavy, and curly.

Russian is the priciest of Virgin Hair extensions, because of its short supply of hair to go around. Russian hair has Caucasian descent, and collected from Asian and European markets. It also slightly thinner and finer than all of the other hair mentioned above. Russian hair is easy to style, but may be hard to blend with natural hair depending on your natural hair texture.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Top Healthy Foods For Healthy Hair

You are what you eat? Healthy body, Healthy Hair!

Our team have put together our top Health Foods for Hair!


Your hair is mostly made of protein so eating a diet rich in protein helps to maintain your hairs healthy strong structure!

Protein is found in foods such as Chicken, turkey and lean cuts of beef.


A lack of Zinc in your diet has been claimed to cause hair loss!

Stock up on Zinc rich foods such as Oysters, Lean beef, eggs and nuts.

Vitamin A

Beta carotene found in sweet potatoes and carrots is turned in to Vitamin A by the body; a lack of vitamin A can be a cause of a dry Flaky scalp!


Iron is highly important it helps carry oxygen to hair follicles and around the body!

A lack of iron (anemia) is a major cause of hair loss so stock up on iron rich foods such as Beef, pumpkin seeds, nuts, lentils, dark leafy greens and our favourite dark chocolate!

Vitamin D

New research states that Vitamin D is great for our hair follicle although they are unsure of how we don't mind eating these Vitamin D rich foods such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and skimmed milk all great sources of calcium too.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is vital for hair health it helps boost circulation feeding our hair follicles!

Eat plenty of Blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, peppers and sweet potato.

Omega 3

Eating foods rich in omega 3 is highly important as your body can not produce this but it's needed to grow hair!

Foods containing all the omega goodness include salmon, trout and mackerel and if you are not a fish lover pumpkin seeds, walnuts and avocado will work wonders.


Eating selenium rich foods such as brazil nuts, tuna, eggs, oats, garlic and cottage cheese will give you enough to help your body utilize proteins resulting in stronger more resistant hair.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps to boost circulation to the scalp and is very nourishing helping to create an optimum scalp environment for healthy hair to grow.

Vitamin E is found in foods such as eggs, liver, nuts and leafy dark greens.

Everything else.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle affects our hair in a positive way ensuring plenty of water is consumed to avoid dehydrating the hair and scalp, Taking exercise to boost general health, using protective products when styling and cleansers and conditioners suitable for our hair type, and brushing the hair and massaging the scalp daily all add up to optimum hair health!

Healthy Happy Hair

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hair Removal for Dark Skin: Smooth Solutions for All Skin Tones

Smooth skin is always appealing. When looking for the best methods of hair removal for dark skin, laser removal comes in handy without doubt. The major problem, nevertheless, lies in the fact that black people have a lot of melanin in their skin. This means that lasers, at times, may be unable to remove the hair in the skin since the light will just be absorbed.

With darker skin, it's advisable to ensure that the area is cooled before seeking the treatment. This will prevent any possible damages from affecting it, plus, it will also guarantee that the laser works successfully. In order to achieve this, place a cold object against the skin such as ice. Black people whose skin is lighter are usually on the safer side because they have lesser chances of being affected by the laser. In essence, darker skin needs to be treated by laser that has longer wavelength, and vice versa.

Types of Lasers Used

    The Diode- This is one of the most common lasers used in hair removal for dark skin. The laser can deliver the best results and is normally meant for those who have denser hair. Launched into the market into 2010, the Diode has managed to receive thousands of positive reviews from previous satisfied customers.

    The Nd: Yag- This laser has a very long wavelength hence appropriate for all skin types and colors. However, most people who have used it attest to the fact that it's extremely painful. Despite this, its popularity is steadily rising since it provides the perfect opportunity for all to enjoy smooth, glowing skin.

Tread carefully when selecting a doctor to work with. There are numerous practitioners available but make sure that you only go for the best one. The first thing to do is ask for references. You can contact past patients and talk to a few to see if the particular doctor will deliver. Removal of the hair can be done successfully when the doctor is skilled in operating the machinery.

In general, the total cost of the procedure is also a major determinant factor. Since you'll probably require several treatment procedures to be performed on your skin for desired results, ensure that total cost is calculated appropriately. Laser hair removal for dark skin is definitely effective when one fully understands all the vital details.

If professional level hair removal is not something you're interested in, there are emerging at home systems on the market that are both affordable, effective on dark skin and can be used in the comfort of your own home.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Which Skin Care Products Should I Be Using?

In my Father's day, "skin care" was something for the wife, along with her makeup and pantyhose. Men didn't moisturize.

Nowadays the aging Baby Boomer generation is retiring and living longer and healthier and more active. And they have every right to look as good as they feel. So for both men and women, a good skin care regimen is essential.

There are a lot of systems and products out there for every budget but they have the same three basic skin care steps:


Within each of those steps are some other additional steps as well, optional but effective.

While cleansing, for example, once a week or so I additionally use a scrub to exfoliate dead surface skin cells. Those dead cells dull my skin's own natural luster and shine and they can't absorb the moisturizer or other products, so I exfoliate them off.

Toner is meant to prepare your skin to receive and utilize the moisturizer. I have a regular cleanser and also one that has a skin repair component, for repairing sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles and it works, I can feel the tingling when I apply it. So I let it do its work for a while, then I rinse and finish with moisturizer.

Moisturizer also has sub-products, for instance a lighter daytime moisturizing lotion, then a heavier nighttime cream moisturizer. And an eye cream. And a repair serum.

I use a cleanser product only several days per week, because as a man I don't have the concern of being sure to thoroughly remove make-up. For the moisturizer, I do a daytime moisturizer and then a richer moisturizer at night, as well as a skin repair serum made for age 40 or so and up. I am fifty-three years young now and the skin care regiment has helped tremendously!

I do splurge and use a top tier moisturizer.

So you can select and mix and match according to budget and your own individual skin care situation and needs and preferences.

When you decide to start a good skin care regimen, visit the a few of the top-end skin care lines' counters in higher-end stores and try the products. Then step it down in price and try some others.

My mother always told me to never use soap on my face and I never even had acne as a teenager, I washed my face with water only, and retained my skin's own natural oils. I believe it is always preferable to retain your own natural moisture; only a percentage of topically-applied products will penetrate. Another reason for the exfoliate, scrub away the dead skin cells for optimal penetration of the toner and moisturizers to follow.

Once a week, I do nothing, just wash my face with cold water in the morning and just let it breathe, no moisturizers or anything. That is good to do as well.

Drink at least the standard 8 glasses of water every day to help flush out toxins in the body including the skin.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Therapeutic Exfoliating Cream to Reveal Your Skin's True Beauty

There are a number of things you may do to keep your skin glowing. Although you probably take several steps make sure you are keeping your skin healthy, exfoliation is often not even considered by many women. You may think that simply washing your face, moisturizing it on a daily basis, and applying sunscreen when heading outdoors just is not enough. You might be forgiven for thinking so, but you'd be very wrong! If your skin is not maintained properly on a regular basis, the signs of aging will appear over time. For the most effective and healthy long-term skin treatment, a therapeutic exfoliating cream is most likely just the thing you need.

Commonly known as facial or body scrubs, you want to make sure that you include exfoliants as a regular part of your skin care regimen as they can reduce aging and dead skin cells and give your skin a youthful radiance. Your skin continues to produce new cells each day, and these cells travel to the epidermis' outer layer from the lower part. As the skin cells rise and move to the epidermis' outer layer, they die and saturate with keratin. These cells that get saturated with keratin give you a young and dewy appearance. They slough off constantly so that there is room for new and fresher cells. However, this process reduces as you age, and the surface of your skin is often clogged with older cells. Exfoliation can help in removing these dead skin cells and offer you a radiating glow.

After cleansing your skin, you must exfoliate with therapeutic exfoliating cream to remove rough and dry skin cells. Exfoliation helps in revealing the softer and younger cells that lie beneath the surface of your skin. Proper exfoliation will make your skin easily penetrable by a facial moisturizer or other products you may use to improve it. Exfoliating on a daily basis will get rid of the surface layer which has the dead cells that restrict the amount of moisturizer, beauty serum, night cream, or sunscreen getting through.

Your skin will begin to seem better and refreshed, showing fewer wrinkles and lines. Exfoliation is the easiest and most effective way of eliminating the skin cells that make you appear older. You can experience fresh and healthy-looking skin by using a therapeutic exfoliating cream in your every day routine. A regular exfoliation routine will give your skin the youthful and charming you are searching for as well as what it deserves.

In today's world people are making sure their bodies are in the best possible condition. Taking their vitamins, amino acids supplements, and even having therapeutic exfoliating cream and extracts for their hair, is a way they can be sure that they are in the best physical health they can be. Even going as far as purchasing dog vitamins for their pets; assures that their animals as well can be at their best.